2023年10月17日 星期二



美國的行動假設澳大利亞將加入其聯盟保衛台灣,美國一直在悄悄地在澳大利亞北部建立軍事資產,包括計劃部署具有核能力的 B-52 轟炸機。



  • 歐盟對華政策顯得混亂,歐盟內部意見和行動存在分歧。
  • 歐洲領導人一直在與中國接觸,但對中國遵守國際規則和價值觀的情況感到擔憂。
  • 歐盟強調在與中國的關係中保護人權和民主原則的重要性。
  • 歐盟旨在重新平衡與中國的關係,並參與氣候變遷和安全挑戰的討論。
  • 一旦發生衝突或入侵,歐盟計畫首先說服中國不要採取侵略行動,如果失敗,則依靠歐洲與夥伴的團結與合作來有效應對。

  • 台灣和日本正在聯合舉行官方政府和軍事活動,以防颱海發生衝突。
  • 焦點轉向日本在發生危機時撤離中國居民,這顯示兩國軍事合作的深度。
  • 台灣和日本於五月中旬啟動的戰略對話討論了與台海潛在戰爭有關的各種情況。
  • 日本參與撤離中國居民可能成為對該地區進行軍事幹預的藉口。
  • 日本自衛隊參與這些討論可能會導致台海緊張局勢加劇,從而乾擾中國的統一努力並引起台灣的恐慌。


台灣的就不用看了 一直洗腦你沒事沒事沒事 等到有事的話 高官首長早就跑了 我估計國民黨朱立倫娜些人會跑比民進黨蔡英文等人還快

國民黨是之前在北京玩兩面手法阿 買辦跟北京要錢要資源 說要回台灣打台獨搞統一 結果都中飽私囊去了 北京那邊也徒呼負負 反正中國大陸貪官汙吏更多

北京中南海當然希望和平解決 但擋不住這些年民粹主義操弄下的大陸群眾 畢竟人民民意基礎會危及中共的統治 你看維穩費用有多少

2023年10月13日 星期五





In his work, "鄉土中國" (translated as "Local China"), Fei Xiaotong, a prominent Chinese sociologist, examined various aspects of rural Chinese society. Here are some of the key points related to the drawbacks of rural society in Taiwan, based on Fei Xiaotong's perspective:

  1. Rigid Social Structure: Fei Xiaotong emphasized the rigidity of the social structure in rural China. He argued that traditional Chinese society placed a strong emphasis on blood relationships and kinship ties, which led to a hierarchical and often closed social order (Search Result 5). This rigidity could result in limited opportunities for social mobility and personal development.

  2. Closeness and Insularity: Rural Chinese communities tended to be close-knit and insular (Search Result 2). While this closeness could foster a sense of community, it could also lead to a lack of exposure to external ideas and innovations, hindering progress and development.

  3. Norms and Ethics: Fei Xiaotong pointed out the prevalence of self-centered ethical values within these rural communities (Search Result 5). While these values were rooted in traditional customs and beliefs, they could sometimes hinder cooperation and collective progress, as individual interests often took precedence.

  4. Lack of Social Mobility: Traditional rural China often had limited social mobility, with individuals' life paths strongly determined by their family background and social status (Search Result 5). This could lead to disparities in opportunities and resources.

  5. Inefficiency: The entrenched traditions and customs in rural society sometimes led to inefficiencies in resource allocation and decision-making (Search Result 2). Fei Xiaotong believed that these inefficiencies could slow down progress and development.

  6. Resistance to Change: Rural communities could be resistant to change and modernization (Search Result 2). This resistance could stem from a desire to preserve traditional ways of life, but it might also hinder economic and social advancement.

Fei Xiaotong's work on "鄉土中國" laid the foundation for understanding the complexities and challenges of rural Chinese society, shedding light on both its strengths and limitations. It's important to note that these observations are based on the historical context of traditional rural China, and societal changes may have occurred over time.


  1. Orchina.net - "鄉土中國的跫音:費孝通逝世十五週年紀念"
  2. Academia.edu - "費孝通差序格局論批判"
  3. Readmoo - "鄉土中國- 費孝通"
  4. Eslite - "鄉土中國"
  5. Chenboda.pixnet - "差序格局與中國文化的等級觀"

2023年10月6日 星期五



Who will lead the SOA? You decide.

Whether you are a voting member or would like to get involved in a leadership position, the election process is the first step to voice your opinion.

2023 Board Election Results

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) announces the results of the 2023 Board of Directors Elections. Five Board members and one President-Elect and Vice-Chair have been elected to serve starting with the 2023–2024 term. Thank you to all SOA members who voted in the 2023 election.

Board Results

We welcome the elected members of the SOA Board of Directors.


Sherry Chan, FSA 2016, EA 2017, MAAA 2008, FCA 2002
Chief Strategy Officer
New York, NY


Gabriela Dieguez, FSA 2010, MAAA 2007
Equity Principal & Consulting Actuary
Milliman, Inc.
New York, NY


Jackie Lee, FSA 2009, MAAA 2007
Vice President & Principal
Lewis & Ellis, Inc.

Plano, TX


Daniel Pribe, FSA 2001, MAAA 1995
Vice President and Chief Actuary

St. Louis, MO


Ying Zhao, FSA 2006, MAAA 2005
Associate Partner
McKinsey & Company

Chicago, IL


The newly elected Board members will join the continuing Board members Karen Burnett, FSA, FCIA; Ian Duncan, FSA, FIA, FCIA, MAAA, FCA; Sara Goldberg, FSA, MAAA; Dave Ingram, FSA, CERA, MAAA; Lisa Kuklinski, FSA, MAAA; Melody Prangley, FSA, MAAA, EA, FCA; Kelly Rabin, FSA, MAAA, CFA; Mary Beth Ramsay, FSA, MAAA; Si Xie, FSA, CERA, FCIA; and Mercy Yan, FSA, FCIA, MAAA.

The SOA thanks the members who will complete their terms with the SOA Board following the October Board Meeting. The members rolling off are past president Jennifer L. Gillespie, FSA, MAAA; Arpita Das, FSA; Josée Deroy, FSA, MAAA, CFA; and Nazir Valani, FSA, FCIA, MAAA.

President-Elect and Vice-Chair Results


Amanda Hug, FSA 2013, MAAA 2013
Willis Towers Watson (WTW)

New York, NY


Congratulations to Amanda Hug, FSA, MAAA, who will serve as the 2023–2024 SOA President-Elect and Vice-Chair. Amanda will finish her term as an SOA Elected Board Member to become the 76th president. Some of her other organizational involvements include currently chairing the Governance and Policy Committee and formerly chairing the Taskforce for Evolving the FSA Pathway, as well as currently being Board Liaison for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, and formerly with the Research Executive Committee, Sections/Communities, Young Professional Advisory Committee and Professional Development Committee.

During her term, Hug will lead the SOA Board of Directors. Along with her fellow Board members, Hug will vote on important strategic decisions to ensure they will fit within the SOA Long-Term Growth Strategy and Strategic Plan.

For the 2023–2024 term starting in October, Amanda Hug, FSA, MAAA, will serve as the President-Elect and Vice-Chair, joining Timothy Rozar, FSA, MAAA, CERA, who will serve as SOA President for the 2023–2024 term. John W. Robinson, FSA, MAAA, FCA, will serve as past president for the 2023–2024 term.

Voting Process

Vote Totals for President-Elect and Vice-Chair Candidates

Candidate Name



Amanda Hug, FSA 2013, MAAA 2013 (Endorsed)



Dave Dillon, FSA 2004, MAAA 2002 (Endorsed)



Total Valid Ballots: 5,139

Total Unexercised: 157

Total Ballots Cast: 5,296


*In 2023 there was no preferential vote as there were only two candidates for the President-Elect and Vice-Chair position.

Past Three Years Vote Counts:



Percent of Eligible Voters











*The 2021 election cycle took place over two business weeks instead of three as in current and previous elections.

The question appears to be a mix of Chinese characters and phrases related to philosophy. It seems to be discussing the intersections of Chinese philosophy, Western philosophy, mathematics, and possibly other subjects. However, the question is not entirely clear, so I will provide some information related to these topics based on the provided search results.

  1. Philosophy in Taiwan: The search result from National Taiwan University's Philosophy Department mentions courses like "History of Chinese Philosophy" and "History of Western Philosophy"[1]. This suggests that in Taiwan, students can study both Chinese and Western philosophy as part of their academic curriculum.

  2. Philosophy Courses: The document from Fu Jen Catholic University's Philosophy Department lists courses like "Knowledge Theory" and "History of Chinese Philosophy," which might be relevant to the question[2].

  3. Benefits of Studying Philosophy: The search result titled "想讀哲學學類嗎?讓ColleGo!告訴你!" (Thinking of studying philosophy? Let ColleGo! tell you!) mentions that studying philosophy can help develop critical thinking skills and the ability to express ideas logically[3].

  4. Chinese Philosophy: The search result mentioning "道家哲學、魏晉哲學、先秦哲學、中國哲學方法論與史料學" (Daoist philosophy, Wei-Jin philosophy, pre-Qin philosophy, Chinese philosophical methodology, and historiography of philosophy) suggests that there are specialized courses in various branches of Chinese philosophy[4].

  5. Western Philosophy: Western philosophy is referred to as "西方哲學" (Western philosophy) in Chinese, and it has a long history dating back to ancient Greece[5]. It has significantly influenced philosophical thought worldwide.

In summary, the question seems to be about the study of philosophy, particularly Chinese and Western philosophy, and its potential intersections with other fields like mathematics. However, the question is somewhat unclear, so if you have specific aspects or details you would like to know more about, please provide further clarification.


論精算 神算 廟算-以中國哲學 西洋哲學 數學哲學屌之


The question appears to be a mix of different terms and concepts from various fields of study. Let's break down the elements mentioned:

  1. 論精算 (Actuarial Science): Actuarial science is a discipline that deals with assessing financial risks using mathematics, statistics, and financial theory. Actuaries often work in insurance and pension industries to determine premiums, reserves, and other financial aspects. They use complex mathematical models to predict future events and their financial implications.

  2. 神算 (Divine Calculation): This term is not standard in any academic field. It might refer to the concept of divine or supernatural calculations, possibly found in religious or philosophical contexts. Without more context, it's challenging to provide a precise definition.

  3. 廟算 (Temple Calculation): Similar to the previous term, "temple calculation" is not a standard term in any academic discipline. It could be related to cultural or religious practices associated with calculations within temples or specific belief systems.

  4. 中國哲學 (Chinese Philosophy): Chinese philosophy is the philosophical tradition of China. It encompasses various schools of thought, such as Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, and more, which have influenced Chinese culture and beyond.

  5. 西洋哲學 (Western Philosophy): Western philosophy is the philosophical tradition of Western cultures, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, as well as modern philosophers such as Kant, Nietzsche, and others.

  6. 數學哲學 (Philosophy of Mathematics): Philosophy of mathematics is a branch of philosophy that explores the nature and foundations of mathematics. It addresses questions about the existence of mathematical objects, the nature of mathematical truth, and the relationships between mathematics and reality.

Given the mix of these terms and the lack of a specific question, it's challenging to provide a concise answer. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, please feel free to ask, and I'll provide more detailed information based on the terms you're interested in.